The power of the Executive M.B.L. law program.
Over 700 graduates successfully received the Executive M.B.L.-HSG title over the past 25 years. A global network of international professionals in business is maintained by the Executive M.B.L.-HSG Alumni Association continuing the spirit and legacy of this unique program. The Executive M.B.L.-HSG program was closed in 2021.
Our Executive M.B.L HSG Program.
A flying classroom over three continents made the Executive M.B.L.-HSG a true global faculty engaging in an international learning experience. Guided by leading experts not only theoretical, but also practical and cultural knowledge was learned directly made applicable to the professional working life. see more >>
The Graduates at a glance.
The graduates have several years of professional experience and a degree when entering the program. They come from different countries and represent a range of ages and professions. They also have varied academic back- grounds and work in different sectors. see more >>
Writing a master thesis.
In their diploma theses, candidates analyzed a current problem of European or international business law according to academic standards. Topics are proposed by the faculty, or candidates can suggest one. The work is supervised by a member of the faculty. deeper info >>
Global Network.
Our Alumni are part of an unique, worldwide network, that provides them with many professional and personal advantages. The Executive M.B.L-HSG Alumni Network makes sure, that garaduates keep in contact with each other and with the over 30’000 graduates of the HSG. it works here >>
9 out of 11 Modules to choose from.
From St. Gallen to Tokyo, from Brussels to New York or from Shanghai to Luxemburg: The program was structured into nine attendance modules, in different fields of international and European business law. Attending in a flexible manner over a period of 18 – 30 month, the candidates could combine job, studies and family. see more >>
Profile of graduates.
Coming from different academic and professional backgrounds and from over 30 countries, the graduates know how to deal with interdisciplinarity, embrace diversity and integrate this knowledge of the various aspects of business law in an overall and global context. watch it >>
Directors & Chairmen.
Founded at the Universtity of St. Gallen by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Carl Baudenbacher and former President of the EFTA-Court, the Law-Program trained and prepared lawyers and executives for a world of fast globalization and acceleration. For over 20 years, the program brought together world-renowned experts in the field of business law, teaching with a systemic and integrated, transdisciplinary approach. who‘s who >>
Yearly reunion conferences.
Every year, the Executive M.B.L.-HSG Alumni Association organizes a 3-day reunion conference. The splendid program with interesting speakers, field visits and visits of companies, embassies or organizations, is accompanied by a rich cultural and culinary experience. see where >>
Read the «Financial Time» Article.
The Financial Times labelled the program as «One of the most innovative law programs for mid-career legals and business professionals.», praizing the integrated approach of business and law as «a marriage of convenience». read on >>
Why Executive M.B.L.-HSG.
New perspectives, developing cross cultural competence, a strong professional network, global understanding of legal mechanisms, legal and business skills, deeper understanding, experiencing cultures and many more reasons were the motivations to participate in the program. Here the «why» directly from the graduates testimonials. read on >>
Meet the faculty.
The “Global Faculty” brought together leading experts from around the world. They teach in nine different locations: St.Gallen (University of St. Gallen HSG), Frankfurt, Zurich, Luxembourg, Brussels, Geneva, New York (New York University NYU), Tokyo (Waseda University), Shanghai (Fudan University) and Austin (University of Texas at Austin). see closer >>
Members of the Excecutive M.B.L.-HSG Alumni Association have exclusive personal access to all readers and learning materials of all modules since , to the documentation and report of the Assocition and the photos of the reunions. meet us >>