The pillars of the Executive M.B.L.-HSG Program.

A flying classroom over three continents made the Executive M.B.L.-HSG a true global faculty engaging in an international learning experience. Guided by leading experts not only theoretical, but also practical and cultural knowledge was learned directly made applicable to the professional working life.

Classroom Studies:
The Coaching System.

The core topics of the post graduate program in European and international business law was taught in nine attendance modules in nine different program locations. The focus was on practical solutions to real world business problems. Together, candidates and instructors tackled questions of business law, taking into account the relevant legal, economic, historical, social and cultural framework. The presence in the leading world economies of Europe, America and Asia provided candidates with relevant global perspectives.
Case studies, individual course work and team efforts were essential parts of each module. This ensured that candidates can directly apply their new knowledge in their everyday work. Every module was completed with an exam, the form of which alternates between written and oral and individual and group.

Preparing for the Modules.

Candidates prepared for the modules using a multimedia, password-protected learning platform. This guaranteed that they could complete essential parts of their post graduate training at their own pace, from anywhere in the world.
Before starting a new module, candidates may have completed a writing assignment in the form of a brief, a summary, or a case solution; or they may have written a critique of a piece of literature, a decision, or a judgment.

Analysis of real problem:
Diploma Thesis.

In their diploma theses, candidates analyze a current and real problem of European or international business law according to academic standards. Topics are proposed by the faculty, or candidates can suggest one. The work is supervised by a member of the faculty.
The thesis demonstrates that the candidate has sufficient knowledge of European and international business law to independently develop sound, comprehensive solutions to practical problems.

The Executive M.B.L.-HSG Brochure